Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Relief of Submission

So I finally submitted my first novel to a literary agent. I've been putting it off for nearly a year, going back and forth about how good I thought the book was. I should have done this a year ago. I haven't heard back yet, and that's not that point. I'm prepared for rejection. I've had it before. I'll have it again. It's just the complete and utter release of tension of having one less bit of drama in my head.

Of course it's not like the release of tension that comes from, lets say, sitting in a hot tub. This is more like the relief you get when your irritable bowel switches from constipation to diarrhea. The relief that just keeps coming till you are left as an empty shell.

OK, I lied. If it gets rejected I will cry. But I'll get over it and submit again.

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