Friday, February 19, 2010

Hope for Degeeking

I admit it. I'm a geek. Specifically, I'm an information geek. I am driven to know and understand as much as possible. Every topic gets dissected and deconstructed to the point where it no longer has any meaning as whole, but is merely the sum of its easily-understood parts.

But this is not how writing works. The story, if written well enough, is more than the sum of its parts. There are hidden, even unknown, meanings and feelings. There are often unexpected emotional responses. All this is very scary to someone like me who needs everything to be ordered and predictable.

But there is hope. I was watching TV yesterday and saw something that I did not understand and, for the first time ever, had no desire to understand. It was the first round of Winter Olympics Curling.  

OK, the rules are simple enough. The strategies aren't beyond my grasp. What I don't get is why anyone would even do this, and then, having done it, care to do it again, and further, create an Olympic sport out of it. It was at the point of having this thought that I realized that my opinion was based on ignorance. It became obvious to me that there was some zen of curling which I didn't get, and I realized that it didn't matter if I didn't "get" curling. I should just get on with my life and let the curlers curl in peace.

So maybe there's hope for me after all.

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