Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Books Vs. eBooks

I don't know if I'm a freak or what. I love books. This wasn't always the case. It used to be that I avoided books by any means, but a side-effect of trying to become a serious writer is that I have become a serious reader. However, when compared to other serious readers that I know, I have one major difference. I have no reverence for the concept of “The Book.”

To me most books are disposable items. Once I've read them they go into the donation bin. Only one in about twenty get put on the keeper shelf, and that gets culled every other year or so. So I have no inherent dislike for e-books as a concept. I do however doubt that I will ever buy an e-book reader.

Why? For the same reason that I don't buy new books. Money. My average outlay for a book is $1.50. Do they even sell used e-books? I know, I could get a reader and raid Project Guttenburg and spend a year or so in bliss, but then what? What if I want to read something written after the copyright became institutionalized? Tough luck unless I want to pay up.

The other thing; if I have a brain fart and forget my book on the bus, I'm out $1.50. If I lose my e-reader, I'm out hundreds of dollars. I'm too much of a flake to take that risk.

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