Sunday, February 7, 2010

Hating What I Wrote

Don't read your old stuff. It's just not worth it.

At the time I wrote these stories I thought that they were they best things I had ever written. Actually I was right, but fortunately they weren't the best things I would ever write. Some of them are just not very good. Some of them are stomach wrenchingly bad. It's embarrassing.  

So what do I do about this? Do I go back and redo them? What purpose would that serve? Is it my job to erase the mistakes of my past?

No, I don't think so. I think these stories served their purpose. They were my finger paints. The first step on the way to oils. Would you tear up the kindergarten drawing of an adult? Of course not. It's simply time to except that I wasn't born a perfect writer and move on.

Besides, the premises of most of these stories are so bad that they just aren't worth the effort.

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