Thursday, January 14, 2010

Great Learning Resource

I started listening to these teleconferences found at the SF Writers Conference Site. The first one I listened to was an interview with Brenda Novak, a writer of romance novels. Don't get an attitude. I learned a pile of good stuff. Check them out.

This is a great example of how you need to be open to new things. Often when I'm doing research I am limited by my preconceived ideas. But here I opened up and took a chance and listened to what the romance writer had to say, mostly because her teleconference was the first one on the list, and I heard some great advice that I would have missed. It makes me wonder what else I might be missing out on.

Of course, there are limits. I spend some time every day trolling writer's forums and often come across very bad advice. I'm not saying that you need to take everyone's advice. Just don't dismiss out-of-hand people just because they are outside their comfort zone.

After all, who am I to be giving you all advice?

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