Friday, February 24, 2012

Book Review: 101 Puzzle Quizes

This book is very frustrating. Not because the puzzles are too easy or too difficult, but because many of the puzzles have multiple correct answers and only the author's intended answer is accepted. This shows a lack of attention to detail, or at least a lack of imagination.

For example: Puzzle number 25 shows three unfolded shapes made up of attached triangles and asks which does not belong. There are four correct answers.

Shape A is the only one where the triangles laid flat form a larger triangle.

Shape A is also the only one where one triangle is completely surrounded by other triangles.

Shape B is the only parallelogram.

Shape C, when folded, does not form a solid object. (the "correct" answer)

This lack of a singular correct answer is a shame because the book contains a nice variety of difficulty and puzzle types.

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