Sunday, March 4, 2012

A Book Worth Reading


OK, I need to say it, this is a stupid book, and I mean that in the best possible way. I don't think there's a humor writer who didn't write at least one story featuring a silly, incompetent but somehow successful crime fighter. My own attempts featured the oddly-named Captain Calypso who I say humbly never had the gusto or outrageousness of A MIND NOT WORTH CONTROLLING's hero Captain Rescue.

"Where are the bad guys?!" Captain Rescue bellowed. "I will kill them!"

To a fan of stupid heroes, as I am, this is poetry. The plot, the characters and especially the conclusion are audacious and ridiculous. For people unfamiliar with the stupid hero genre, forget it, you won't get it. Though the story may be short enough to survive the average reader's suspension of expectation of seriousness.

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