Saturday, February 11, 2012

Book Review: Buddha in Blue Jeans

I love this book. I don't know if it will really help me to make meditation part of my life, but I feel like it will. It is short. It is simple. Both of the those can be both good and bad. I tend to be a bulk snob when it comes to information. The more information, and the more complex that information is, the more likely I am to trust in that information as truthful and useful. I have to throw those out for Buddha in Blue Jeans. My first reaction that it couldn't be this simple has been dissuaded by some rather successful meditation sessions. Of course I've had many more attempts than successes. I'm so used to trying to analyze and understand every thought that it's hard to trust and let go. But I'm trying, and every time I reread the book I get some new insight or trick to try.

Having said all that, I should state that if you are looking for a self-help book with lots of helpful hints and guidance, you may be disappointed. It leaves a lot up to the reader, which is the point, but still, some of us like being led by the leash into new experiences.

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