Sunday, August 5, 2018

RVing – Here We Go

adventure dogs


Chester and I moved the first load to the RV today. It was a bit of an adventure. The storage yard gate wouldn't accept my code. We made several phone calls and pleaded our case to the answering machines to no avail. I was even contemplating trying to climb over or under the fence. Fortunately we weren't the only visitors to the yard and a sympathetic fellow RV'er let us in.


Our first full-time night in the RV. We are exhausted, in pain and emotionally wrung-out. I've never been happier.


So tired. Handing over the keys to the house tomorrow.


Lunch at JJ's. Get the bacon dog. Yum. Though Pat's chicken sandwich was a hamburger. The manager offered Pat a free shake in compensation, but Pat's allergic to milk. However she was able to get the website where the woman at the other table bought her hat.

Dinner at the Star. Thousands of fake pink flowers hanging from the ceiling. Seat yourself. Under-staffed. Great food.

Just after dark our neighbor starts yelling to me. I can't understand him so I go outside where he explains that there is a skunk under our RV. A cute little thing. I came back inside in hopes he'd wander away. Apparently he did.


Said goodbye today to the car and Chester. The Car was easy. Chester was hard. Tomorrow we head out.

The post RVing – Here We Go appeared first on Tom Flanders World.

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