Sunday, October 23, 2011

eBaby Update

With the handling problems sorted out the eBaby is finally in running condition. I took it over to the bike track in Golden Gate Park for its first speed test. It went OK and despite a strong wind I did a 5K averaging 17.9 MPH. That's a full MPH faster than my best on the Lambo, which was done on a day with no wind.

There were a few issues. I'm still about twenty pounds or so away from being able to get in a more aerodynamic position without my knees hitting my gut on every stroke. I'm also several months or more away from having legs strong enough to use the higher gears. I only managed to get through the first 12 of the 18 available gears.

So between my big gut, weak legs and overworked heart it looks like my goal of doing a race or two in 2012 will have to wait till 2013.

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