Sunday, October 9, 2011

Bike Project Updates

The ebaby - The new headset came. I installed it and it did solve the handling problem. I also had to shorten the chain because the rear derailer wasn't being pulled enough to work properly for certain gear combinations. I took it for another test ride and everything worked hunky dory. As I feared though, the bike is much faster than I am. With the front gears in high I'm only able to pedal up to third gear, of nine, in the back. Need to build those legs up.

The Lambo - Noticed that the headset has worked itself a little loose. Now I have to research how to adjust a threaded headset. (The eBaby has an unthreaded headset.)

The next project - I nearly got a funky mountain bike off eBay for $9.99. I was outbid with 10 seconds to go, then that person was outbid with 2 seconds to go. It sold for a whole $26. Too rich for my blood.

Cycling goals for 2011 - A bad bout of gout has me behind my hoped-for mileage for the month. I'm up to 775 miles out of the 1000 so there's no need for panic yet, but daylight savings ends soon so I loose the commuting miles.

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