Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tinker Toys are not Lincoln Logs

This thought came to me during the third hour of the second day of a two day project planning session. Yes, two full days, one right after the other, sitting in a conference room, planning. Pity me hard buckos.

So which am I and/or my writing, Tinker Toy or Lincoln Log? You can build a much wider variety of things with Tinker Toys, but you can build much more realistic things with Lincoln logs, as long as you stick to the log cabin milieu.

I've thought about it and I find that my writing is more like Tinker Toys. Vivid in imagination but somewhat lacking in definition. On the other hand, I find the idea of Lincoln Loggish writing to be over-planned and limiting. Looks like I'm just going to have to switch to Legos.

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