Sunday, March 6, 2011

My First Bike Build - The Mockup Begins

This is going surprisingly well. I need many fewer bits of hardware than I expected. The derailleurs went on with no problems. The bottom bracket fits. The seat actually does become much more rigid when attached to the seat post and the seat post fits into the whole and tightened up nicely. With seat and derailleurs attached it's actually starting to look like it might be a real bike by the time I'm done with it.

Next I put together the cranks, chain rings and bottom bracket. It all went together no problem. The black inner chain ring looks wonderfully out of place among all that chrome.

Then I started on the handlebars. The stem went on on the second attempt, the first attempt having failed because I had the thing backwards. Then came the first problem. (And I was doing so well!)

The aero bars don't fit. Well, to be accurate, the mounts are setup for a thinner handlebar. The handlebars I got bulge in the middle where the stem is mounted. I got these because they are what I got. I didn't really plan anything beyond making the numbers match and unfortunately the aero bars didn't have any numbers. Fortunately, it looks like all I need is some longer screws and perhaps some stiff plastic spacers. TO THE BIKE SHOP!

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