Thursday, May 16, 2019

Tom Week – In Oregon

rouge river - Oregon


We are staying this weekend at the foot of Mount Shasta. Which is surprisingly not where the old crappy soda comes from. It was and the 80's today but the mountain is still covered in snow. We were able to but propane today. All is well.


Good bike ride. Lots of hills but not much air. Beautiful scenery. Unfortunately, I forgot to eat before the ride so I've been feeling worn out all day. Tonya got to sit outside all day in her rocking chair.


Short ride to Oregon. Only the tourist info rest stop was closed so no Oregon Fliers! We'll have to rely on the dinky town info centers. The horror. Had to stop at Petsmart. It took a while because the GPS talking lady got very confused and wouldn't tell me how to get there until I would do a u-turn even though I didn't need to take a u-turn. The we got gas, which is weird because there is no self-service gas in Oregon. We are at another nice park with soft air and mountain views.


Long bike ride today. 16 miles of surrounded by mountains beauty. Some great bike paths. While I was gone Pat cleaned the bugs off the front of the RV. There were A LOT of bugs on the front of the RV.


We are now in Sutherlin, which my Harry Pottered mind keeps seeing as Slytherin. It's a funky park that doubles on weekends as a drive-in theater. There are some severely funky RV's and people here. We are at the venn diagram intersection of people who Birckenstocks and people who own assault rifles. The weird part is that when we checked in the clerk apologized that the cable TV wasn't working. Then when I was hooking up a voice in my head told me to hook up the cable anyway. I did and it works fine.


Lazy rainy day.


Today was one of the most beautiful drives ever. Mountains, rivers, lakes and elk. After lunch we stopped at a very funky second-hand store. I found, but resisted buying, a Hannah Montana karaoke machine and a metal Jonas Brothers lunch box. Tonight we are staying in a park full of bikers. There is a big festival in town. Who knew? Pat rode her scooter to the carnival. Later, Tonya and I went and got big soft pretzels. Yummy.


[caption id="attachment_4041" align="alignleft" width="300"]yurts Oregon is the land of yurts[/caption] [caption id="attachment_4042" align="alignright" width="300"]broken toy Someone didn't like their McDonalds toy[/caption] [caption id="attachment_4043" align="alignleft" width="300"]mile marker The erroneous mile marker[/caption] [caption id="attachment_4044" align="alignright" width="300"]drive-in screen The view of the movie screen from our RV site[/caption] [caption id="attachment_4045" align="alignleft" width="300"]carnival midway Tonya was useless at the magnetic fishing game[/caption]

The post Tom Week – In Oregon appeared first on Tom Flanders World.

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