Thursday, February 14, 2019

Tom Week – Detours


Medical Detours and Adventures


We are official Floridians. Thank you Janet. We all have our new IDs. The RV has a new title and tags. We're registered to vote. Yee Hah! Unfortunately, Abbie was barking and running after a dog and she hurt her leg. It's looking a little better this evening but we may going to see the vet tomorrow.


No sleep last night. Random acid reflux. Usually this only lasts a couple hours before fading, but last night it lasted all night. The new lights arrived today. No more wandering around with flashlights.


Slept much last night. Only woke for a while cause Tonya was having a conversation with someone who wasn't there. Abbie got me up at eight for food and a walk, but went back to bed for a couple more hours. I installed the new ceiling lights today. They are SO bright! We went to a seafood place for supper. The waitress brought Pat and Tonya the kid's portions and it was still way much food.


Great touristy bike ride today. Lot's of funky pictures. Then it was laundry time. My weight is down to 189. Yee Hah! That's 76 pounds gone so far.


Good news: Abigail won't need surgery for her leg. More good news: New diabetes meds are working. Bad news: There was something odd about my EKG so I have to see a cardiologist.


Up at 6AM to get to Jacksonville for Tonya's 9:30 Social Security appointment. Some traffic but we still got there early. Surprisingly we were done before 9:30. Amazing. Lazy afternoon. Some of us took naps.


Visited the cardiologist today. It seems that I'm going to be OK. One the what the doctor called fibers is misfiring. There are many things that can cause this. Most likely an imbalance of electrolytes, which may be caused by my blood sugar issues. So no more tests needed and I don't have to go back for a year. And no, I'm not unaware of the irony of going to the heart doctor on Valentine's day.


[caption id="attachment_3833" align="alignleft" width="300"]masonic lodge How many plots have been plotted in this old building?[/caption] [caption id="attachment_3834" align="alignright" width="300"]bike seat My bike seat has been pollinated.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_3835" align="alignleft" width="300"]barrel I appear to have cycled into an Italian neo-realist Roadrunner cartoon.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_3836" align="alignright" width="300"]stone bull Up close, this is one sad old bull.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_3837" align="alignleft" width="300"]abandoned businesses If you need bike insurance you're double out of luck.[/caption]

The post Tom Week – Detours appeared first on Tom Flanders World.

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