Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Tom Week – The Steep Part

the steep part

The Steep Part

I dropped off the rental truck today and rode my bike back to the RV park. Most places this would be no big deal, but in Albuquerque that's a 9.5 mile ride with an 820 foot climb in 90 degree heat. Probably the toughest ride I've done so far. Definitely the toughest I'll be doing for some time.


Finally got some serious work done on my current school project. Taking a nap helped immensely.

Not School

Didn't get around to schoolwork today. I need to form one of them habit things.


I reorganized my approach to the project and things are going much smoother now. Lots of work done today.


Short bike ride today. New Mexico love its hills. Someday soon we're going to stay at a park at the bottom of a hill.


We're in freakin Texas! I need to go to a roadhouse.


Texas has big news people. I love it! Finally a flat town. Bike riding is much easier when there are no hills. Got a tom of stuff done for schoolwork today.

The post Tom Week – The Steep Part appeared first on Tom Flanders World.

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