Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Tom Week – Goals and Stuff

dog goals

Cycling Goals

750 miles for the year. Did it, almost. 4 miles short. My original goal was 1000 miles but family issues, bad air and rain forced me to cut back on the riding. Hoping to make it to 1000 again 2018.

Weight Goals

So very close. 196 pounds. One pound over my 195 goal. Close enough. I should be proud of anything under 200.

Writing Goals

The goal of writing a 100 word story every week got sidetracked for pretty much the same reasons as my cycling goals. Though here in the last few days of the year I have gotten a boost of writing energy.

Random Thoughts

The Brainwash is gone. Where will comedians go for disinterested hipster audiences now? The next person who calls me Ned Flanders is going to get a long lecture on Jesus. If I had a hammer, this bench wouldn't be so wobbly. I aspire to write super novas. What I actually write are truffles. Maybe that's enough. The barriers are my own. I can destroy them. I can be free. If only I had the guts.

New Year's Eve

Sitting at home, writing this. Can't muster the energy to even go out and bring home a couple of beers. Overwhelmed by social anxiety. I was doing so well but the holidays have taken their toll. Something to work on in the new year. Photo by DaPuglet

The post Tom Week – Goals and Stuff appeared first on Tom Flanders World.

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