Monday, March 27, 2017

Bitter – 100 words

dark river photo - bitterStanding on the peak looking down at the fogged-over city. Headphones blasting. Patti Smith Pissing in the River. The holiest of the holy punk prayers. Feeling inadequate.

I see the beauty. Hear it. Know it, but have no passion for it. An emptiness of creativity. I’m not living up to my subversive potential. It says so in my permanent record. Formalism missing that final spark. A weeping frog. A misplaced pencil.

Only following, never leading. Always fear, never folly. Finding, at my best, only mediocre otherness. Hiding from horizons of triumph. Never daring. Rejecting, in my youth, rebellion’s bitter tit.

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Sunday, March 19, 2017

Liquid Mind – 100 words

liquid mindRaoul was an adventurer of the liquid mind. The phrase was invented by his mother because she hated when people called him a drunken lout. She created an entire imaginary world around the idea that he was a mendicant poet and philosopher.

In this world he sat drinking his muse juice and after a series of long quiet meditations he would share his wisdom with the world. Usually something along the lines of, “Screw the mayor!”

Of course the proles, as she called his drinking buddies, missed the subtle sociopolitical message behind the words. Only she recognized his unique brilliance.

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Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Intimacy – 100 words

couch photo - intimacy

Photo by spader

“Craig, My blue shoes are green.”

“Ben, the moon is almost Mort Sahl.”

These statements are typical of the nonsense that roommates Ben and Craig say to each other instead of admitting their love for one another. Intimacy expressed as non sequitur.

“Only you can prevent Forrest Tucker,” means “I want to kiss you.”

“Non-dairy grilled cheese is toast,” means “I want you to go down on me.”

Every night they sit at opposite ends of the couch complaining about their lack female companionship. Neither pointing out the other’s lack of effort in that pursuit. Never meeting eyes. Forever alone.

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Saturday, March 4, 2017

Ronnie – 100 words

paranoid photo - Ronnie

Ronnie was the kind of boy the nuns spit on. Sometimes for nothing more than ending a sentence with a preposition. Which he only did to piss off Sister Mary Syntax. He was an angry boy channeling the hatred of his father onto the proles that surrounded him. The petty tyrants who could not see his genius through their accusations of stupidity.

He knew he was a superior being. Only he knew why he failed to understand what was so far beneath him. Common knowledge. The false truths. The lies of his teachers betraying his grand vision of the universe.

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