Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Manufactured Drama

Soon after the movie THAT THING YOU DO came out I saw an interview with Tom Hanks where he was defending the movie's light tone. He mentioned that he didn't see the need to add drama just for the sake of having drama.

This past week I spent a rare evening watching TV dramas and found Mr. Hank's words to be wise. These shows were full of manufactured drama. It was painful to watch. I'd seen these shows in the past and while they aren't my preference they weren't bad shows. This night however, they stunk. All three shows summoned forces from outside the show, even from outside the story, to come and ruin the lives of the characters. It was so artificial and wrong.

So why do I care? Because these extreme examples have shown me that I also have committed the sin of manufactured drama. Several stories I've written, apparently when I got bogged down in the action, are propelled in new directions by inorganic circumstances.

Forgive me dear reader, for I have sinned.

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