Tuesday, March 16, 2010

What I'm Reading: SHATTERDAY by Harlan Ellison

I previously read a collection of Harlan Ellison short stories and enjoyed it very much. Such was not true for this pile of stuff. Oh, there were a couple gems, but the rest seem like first drafts written just after a bad break-up.

The straight science fiction stories take place in one dimensional worlds where rules come and go on a whim. The fantasy is rarely fantastic. Strong female characters are few and far between.

All that I might have overlooked. The biggest problem is that each story has an introduction. (Which I skipped until I had finished the story.) Some things are better left a mystery. The problem with the introductions wasn't what was said about the stories, but what they revealed about their author. An ego grown beyond even fame's justification. 

I hope whatever fame I might achieve is gentler with my self esteem.

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