Saturday, September 23, 2023

100 Words - In The Trunk


Larry had been warned about his puns. Bill showed him the abacus on which the puns were counted. There was one bead left. Larry responded, “Not one beady little pun?” George pulled the car over. It was the trunk for Larry.

Larry did not believe they would actually put him in the trunk, but there he was. At first he worried about running out of air, but the rust holes provided plenty of ventilation.

After a few minutes the car stopped and the trunk opened. Bill told Larry he was getting early parole. Larry said, “So my sentence was truncated?”

Saturday, September 16, 2023

100 Words - End Game


My back yard is haunted by a pile of children. Those who can see them, see a literal pile of giggling children, playing some made-up game that never reaches its conclusion.

My nephew Billy says he knows how to end the game, but won’t because he likes watching them. He’s learned their names and says hello to each every day.

One day my sister called and asked if Billy was still in my yard. I looked, but he was not there. We were searching the bushes when the neighbor girl yelled, “There he is, on top that pile of kids.”

Saturday, September 9, 2023

100 Words - Sexy Nightmare


The heavy metal ballerina danced across my nightmare, sledge hammer in hand. She swung it ever so gracefully at my skull. With dream-only skill I ducked out of the way. She swung again, this time aiming for my crotch. I was saved by the smell of bacon cooking downstairs.

I ate breakfast as quickly as I could, but not quick enough. Mom noticed my eye avoidance and asked me about my nightmare. She knows me too well. I tried to water it down, but it still disturbed her. Of course, she blamed my brother’s video games, which I don’t play

Monday, September 4, 2023

The Prodigal Bird

Not all homecomings go as planned