Saturday, December 24, 2022

100 Words - Magic Words

 Andy was in sixth grade when he discovered the magic of words. The other kids could use words and write sentences, just as he could. What he discovered was that he didn’t have to just write what he was told. His words could be formed into ideas of his very own.

Andy’s words reached for the and dredged the depths of hell. He spewed his words on to page after page of notebook paper. After two weeks he looked back to the beginning and started reading. He quickly realized all that sentence structure and punctuation they taught wasn’t just nonsense.

Saturday, December 17, 2022

100 Words - Questions


Arthur was the shame of Sunday school. His classmates all worked hard and memorized the bible, chapter and verse. Not Arthur. He questioned everything. What did the words mean? The nuns sent him to the priest. Instead of punishment, he answered Arthur’s questions then sent him home, telling him he didn’t have to come back.

Unfortunately, public school did not accept defeat so easily. How can you discover a continent that has people? Who gets to to decide what’s a swear word? What really happened to Chuck Cunningham? The teachers ignored all his questions, but would never let him leave.

Monday, December 12, 2022


The horror of cause and effect

Saturday, December 10, 2022

100 Words - Llama Farmer


The academics told him that education would ennoble and enable him. The ruling class said he was being indoctrinated in to being a subversive radical. Eventually he learned that he was being programmed to be a cog. He revolted and became the world’s best educated llama farmer.

The other llama farmers envied his learning and sought out his guidance on issues of llamadom. But, he became melancholy. Others thought him bored, but in reality he saw that the big machine of society was grinding to a halt. He wondered if he was the missing part that would have saved it.

Saturday, December 3, 2022

100 Words - Dark Room


I woke up in a comfortable chair in complete darkness. I had to pee. I got up and felt my way to a wall. A couple of feet along I found a light switch and flicked it on. The horrors in the room were too much to bear. I switched off the light and peed where I stood.

The light woke me up. He held a bloody cleaver. He smiled, turned off the light and said, “And now it’s dark.” I laughed and said, “I love that movie.” He Laughed. We shared our favorite movie lines till the police came.