Monday, January 31, 2022

Barney's Truth

Barney's Saturday Night Sadness Ritual

Saturday, January 29, 2022

100 Words - Dancing Partner


My mother hated my Freshman year, “dancing partner,” as she called her, for all the reasons I loved her. She was kicked out of Miss Jean’s Charm School. She wore more denim than anyone else I ever met. None of it was bedazzled. Unfortunately, we never actually, “danced.”

She was a rebel in training. She had the energy and desire to give the world the middle finger. I was an outsider, but I wanted in. She saw me as the muscle and the planner that could give here rebellion substance. Then she met the guitar player with a bitchin’ Camaro.

Monday, January 24, 2022

Dogs Rule! Literally!

I love a dog with attitude

Saturday, January 22, 2022

100 Words - Starved


Carlson’s unofficial diagnosis was that he was starved for affection. Though that implies that there was no one in his life willing to give him affection. There was. Following the food analogy, Carlson was a man surrounded by food, but did not know how to eat.

He was a quiet child. His parents were outgoing people and never understood Carlson’s need for a push into social situations. By the time he was a teenager he was self-sufficient. Dad never gave him the sex talk. Mom never tried to set him up with the neighbor girls. He was on his own.

Saturday, January 15, 2022

100 Words - Constellations


In an attempt to make sense of his life, Raul assigned his worries, fears and outrages into mental constellations and named them after names from H.P. Lovecraft stories. When he explained this to the prison psychiatrist, his parole hearing was moved back. Way back.

It wasn’t the first time he failed in his attempts at coping, but he thought he had a good one this time. He drew on the wall a series of plot points naming all his anxieties. He connected them with lines and gave them archaic names. Maybe he should have used names from Edgar Allen Poe.

Monday, January 10, 2022

Secret Depression

Paul is depressed and delusional.

Saturday, January 8, 2022

100 Words - Puzzle?


My sexual path through life could be considered retrograde at best. Zigging when they wanted me zagging. Tender when manly was desired. Manly when tender was needed. I am the extra unneeded piece in the sexual puzzle box, never finding a fit.

Some times I get placed in the middle, but eventually the other pieces move in around me and I’m found to be in the wrong place. Yet again I’m set aside, replaced by a better fit.

Now I sit here alone on society’s coffee table. Waiting for the next puzzle. Hoping to finally have a place to fit.