Monday, September 28, 2020

Dr. Socket - Urinal Cakes

Dr. Socket and his extreme violence therapy group have an in-depth political discussion.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

100 Words – Artists Revolt

tourists standing on ground

On the day that the artists revolted I sat on the front porch to witness the craziness. Decades of being...

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Thursday, September 24, 2020

Saturday, September 19, 2020

100 Words – Sword


She sat silently in the dark, admitting defeat and plotting her revenge. She vowed that his cult of charisma would fall. Reason would prevail. She didn’t actually believe that either, so she went to the attic and dug out her father’s Knights of Columbus sword.

Ten steps out of the house, sword in hand, she realized that her plan was lacking in details. First, what will happen if she’s spotted by the police? Then the cop pulled up.

“Mayor Karl?” He asked.

“Yes!” She answered.

“He’s cornered at the YMCA. Ride?”

She climbed in with three other heavily armed women.


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Saturday, September 12, 2020

100 Words – The Family Orphan

pld drunk orphans

Smiley always thought of himself as an orphan. He had parents, and many brothers and sisters, but he never felt connected to them. He was dark and weird. No good at sports. No good at school.

The first thing he was good at was wandering around town and talking to the old drunks. In them he found the world-weary wisdom he needed to grow and evolve. Lessons in pain and longing that he realized already lived inside him the moment he heard them. Past life leftovers maybe.

Now he lives a happy life of little purpose. Content in his stasis.


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Saturday, September 5, 2020

100 Words – Trash Heap Angel

two puppy sitting on brown board

She was the angel of the trash heap. Fallen and halo-less. Trying to work her way back into heaven by separating the souls from the dumped dog carcasses and showing them which way to go. Their wagging tails her only reward.

She was once beautiful and beloved. Over the centuries ego and vanity crept in. One day she tired of subservience and climbed on the shoulders of her co-angels. Standing over them she saw the infinity of creation. Her mind snapped. She came back to consciousness in the land fill. Spending the rest of eternity as a canine crossing guard.


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The post 100 Words – Trash Heap Angel appeared first on Tom Flanders Stuff.