Saturday, August 29, 2020

100 Words – Desire

need desire LED signage

Pray for me, object of my deepest desire. Lift me from my dungeon. Be the light at the end of my tunnel. Sing me lurid lullabies. Do things to me in the dark. Feed me Ring Dings. Bathe me in your gaze. Wash my pillow cases in the kitchen sink. Etc.

Why do you not respond? Where is the fire between us? Who was that man? Where are they taking me?

Woe is me, for I will never taste your lovely lips. I will die, having never experienced the bliss of loving you. At least, that’s what the judge says.

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Saturday, August 15, 2020

100 Words – No Novel

Unwritten novel

Raul spent his life under the illusion that he would one day write a novel. Toward this endeavor he exerted no effort. He had no typewriter, tape recorder or even a working pen. He had a laptop but never realized that even Notepad can be used for writing.

Yet he dreamed of writing the great American novel. He knew nothing of plots, scenes, character development, or sentence structure. Despite all that, he was sure one drunken weekend he would somehow puke out a great work of fiction.

Some dreams are destined to remain dreams. Some folks are just hopeless posers.

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Saturday, August 8, 2020

100 Words – The Box

A close-up of a rusty metal knob on a green strongbox

Among the rubble of the demolished building was a safe. Inside the safe was a large sealed box. I don’t mean locked, or chained or anything weak like that. I mean sealed. Welded all the way around. No one could get in, and as some suggested, nothing could get out.

The demolition workers were not impressed. “Just another time capsule.” Though none could explain the welds. Curiosity got the best of them and they cut it open. It was empty, except for the smell of bitter perfume. The workers had weird dreams that night. They all quit the next day.

#100words #box #bitterperfume

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Saturday, August 1, 2020

100 Words – Potvalor

shallow focus photo of brown glass bottle

She fed him sausages and homemade beer. Both were strong. Soon they were both full and drunk. Potvalor, her mother used to call it. The courage of the drunk.

They pounced on each other, just as she had planned. Their comfort with each other finally overcome by the passion they both secretly held. As they rolled on the couch, random bits of clothing became dislodged. She was in heaven.

Then they both got the beer farts. They tried their best to carry on, but the embarrassment and the smell destroyed the mood. They fell asleep giggling in each other’s arms.

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