Monday, September 7, 2015

Random Thoughtsv- 9/7/15

It was one of those days where everyone on the train was young, except me.

I feel like I've been kicked off a sinking ship.

Leaving a job, parting out my work to others, is like peeling a bitter artichoke.

It's easy to see new horizons when your sitting in a just-used ejector seat.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Random thoughts

What does it say about me that I envy the infirmed for their convalescence.

...and then the judge said, "Let the record show that Mr. Flanders is visibly distraught."

You can't have the trump without the rump.

Across the wasteland of depression I stop to rest briefly at the oasis of creativity and write a poem about a dead mouse.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

100 Words - Daze

A sour note blown from a reedless saxophone startles me back to awareness. I don't know where I am or how I got here. At the end of the block the street signs tell me I'm only a few miles from home. Deep thoughts lulled me into a sleepwalk of sorts. The dogs are having a ball. New places to smell. New trees to mark. For a moment I consider calling for a ride, but figure the explanation would take longer than the walk. The old dogs are tired and take turns being carried. We get home just past midnight.