Friday, November 29, 2013

Mr. Patrick's Depression

Mr. Patrick frowned. It was all too easy. What's the use of doing this if there's no challenge? They all died without a sound. Most of them never even woke up. He enjoyed this sort of thing when he wasn't so good at it. There were mistakes then. Sometimes they fought back. He had to react and adapt and still manage to get the job done. Now all of the excitement has gone out of it. Maybe he needs to listen to his shrink. Time to step out of the comfort zone and give that bungee jumping thing a try.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Sexual repression as a defense mechanism

The creepy old guy sits at the strip club stage
but turns down every offer of private attention
Mostly he watches the foolish young men, envying their lack of sense
The only man in the place who is aware of his own pathos
The young girls see him as a challenge
The older ones know better and leave him alone
Fidelity pushed slightly over his own personal limit
He grins at the beautiful woman with the odd lipstick and large rear
She approaches him
He buys her a drink, some hideous cinnamon liqueur,
but rejects her offer of a shower show
She asks for his business card but he feigns their existence
She tells him a phone number that he promises to remember
but doesn't

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Ball

The phoenix came to the party dressed as a peacock.
The eyes on his borrowed feathers saw the truth of us all.
Masks and costumes, beer and wine, fear and ecstasy.
Lonely creatures stalking willing prey.
Hungry freaks tasting flesh previously forbidden.
A mass illusion held together by tawdry string.
At midnight the phoenix shed his false eyes.
He toasted our mutual folly and burst into flames.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Open Door

Walk past the open door
Don't even look inside
that door is not for you

Maybe the next door
or the one after that
always the one after that