Sunday, February 27, 2011

Free Books – Reviews Needed

I have ten copies of my novel, Broke Down on the Road to Glory, available for free. All you need to do is promise to post a review of the book on Amazon, or some other site with book reviews. The reviews should be honest. I'm not afraid of criticism. How else will I learn?

Just email me your name and address and the first ten requests I get will get a book.

Note: Sorry, relatives are not eligible.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Bike build - next phase

I have all the parts. I have all the tools. I've read all the instructions. Now all I have to do is put it all together. But now, at this new phase of the project, I hesitate. I doubt. Can I really do this? Who know, but I have to try.

I have developed this weird sense of responsibility for the bike. Not for the pile of parts it is now, but for the bike as whole that I am trying build. It has the potential to be a great bike. The parts are all good, capable of doing their jobs well. I am the weak link. Can I extract from these parts as good a bike as it deserves to be?

It's time to see.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

I'm building a bike

I've always wanted to build a vehicle from parts. From my first encounter with the J.C. Whitney catalog I dreamed of hand-picking the best parts and putting together a killer hot rod. Unfortunately the lack of cash, tools, a garage and mechanical ability prevented this dream from happening.

Now I'm older and wiser and have scaled back my ambition to a reasonable level. So I'm building a vehicle from nothing but parts. A vehicle with two wheels and pedals. I am going to have the coolest hunk of cycling junk you have ever seen.

All the parts have been scrounged off eBay or ordered from the on-line bike discount stores. I bought all the special bike tools. I'm staking out a space to lay down the tarp and start putting it all together.

I'll update you all when I start getting it all together.