Saturday, April 20, 2024

100 Words - Around The Board

 Luck or doom. Fortune or destruction. My voyage around the game board had higher stakes than usual. Across the table sat a snotty rich kid whose men and their guns were glaring at me. Will they kill me if I win? I can’t afford to lose. That money in the kitty represents four months rent.

We started with six players. The first few bets were a joke, but things got out of hand. The other four went broke one after the other over the course of an hour. Now it’s just me and him, and th6se guys with those guns.

Monday, April 15, 2024

Passing Wind

Fighting the wind. Riding a bike. Facing reality.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

100 Words - Mattress Money


Back home there lies a man in a shallow grave. I buried him there just before the Fall’s first frost. The dogs will find him in the spring. They’ll know it was me, but won’t come looking. He was an evil man.

No one will mourn him. At least no one who knew about his mattress full of cash. All they’ll find there are crumpled up newspapers and forty dollars to throw them off the trail. One more mattress score and I’ll be able to retire.

The new town and job suck. I wonder where the boss keeps his money.

Monday, April 8, 2024

Saturday, April 6, 2024

100 Words - In The Shed


There was something in the shed. Banging and scratching noises came at random intervals. Peter opened the door, stood back and watched, but nothing emerged. Brutus the dog went to the door, sniffed and ran away, once again not living up to his name.

Peter tried throwing a rock into the shed. It landed with a thud and rattle, then came flying back out. He tried talking to whatever was in there, but it did not respond.

He went back into the house and called the police. The noises stopped as soon as he hung up the phone. Of course.

Monday, April 1, 2024

Little Death

Death comes in many guises. The little ones may not be as deadly, but they certainly are annoying.