Monday, March 25, 2024

Insomnia Grammar

The things we think of when we're wide awake in the middle of the night.

Saturday, March 23, 2024

100 Words - Cousins


It takes two hands to count my siblings. Two hands and a foot to count my mother’s. I don’t have enough appendages to count my cousins, though there aren’t many whose clothes weren’t handed down to me.

The cousin bags were always an adventure. Clothes and shoes were removed and tried on. Anything that didn’t fit was returned to the bags. Then our own cast-offs were added, and sent to next household.

Having two older brothers and many older male cousins, new clothes were unknown to me. Maybe that’s why I feel so much more comfortable shopping at the Goodwill.

Monday, March 18, 2024

The Third Dirty Joke

This is an animated version of the third dirty joke I ever heard.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

100 Words - Grave Cop

The ghosts gathered at the fence of the graveyard. Sheila, a seeker in the world of paranormal was explaining this to us. We saw nothing, but we believed her. Then the sheriff came and told us to go away, because we were disturbing the ghosts.

“Did someone complain?” Sheila asked.

He stared at her for a long time, then looked towards the graveyard. Suddenly Sheila smiled. The cop grumped, got in his car and drove away.

Sheila turned to us and screamed. One by one each of our friends heads popped like zits. Blood everywhere. June, Fred, Pete, Harry, then...

Monday, March 4, 2024

Sunset Denial

Believe what you see or the Doomsters will destroy you.

Saturday, March 2, 2024

100 Words - First Dance


Halfway through the dance we realized that we grouped together at the far end of the gym. So without any discussion we all got up and started dancing together. No couples, just a group of boys and girls to shy or indifferent to mix with the popular dancers.

Some of us snuck out to be there. Others were dragged there, kicking and screaming. Some knew how to dance. Others didn’t. Nobody cared. We talked like we were all old friends. Then the music stopped. Our first closing time. Goodbyes, hugs and promises were offered. Some were kept. Most were not.