Saturday, June 25, 2022

100 Words - Sand

Last night I dug a drunken hole in the sand, just deep enough to keep the wind off me. It was late, I was lost and didn’t care anymore. I woke to a sunrise over the ocean. I laid there for over an hour, paralyzed by the beauty. 

As the blinding late faded though, the ocean became green. The sand turned out to be a sand trap on a golf course. I was relieved. I don’t live anywhere near an ocean, but there is a golf course just down the street. Hoping that’s where I am. Which way is East?

Monday, June 20, 2022

Omar The First

Who is Omar? Listen, and he will tell you. This is the first step in Omar's journey.

Sunday, June 19, 2022

100 Words - Fear


Due to unforeseen circumstances there was a beautiful young woman sitting next to me at the bar. She was smiling and talking to me. She wasn’t a meth head. She wasn’t a hooker. Just a strange woman who seemed to like me. Freaked me out, so I left.

Yes, me, George. The guy who always complains about being alone, when presented with a romantic opportunity, ran for the hills. Look, she was way out of my league. What did she want from me? What can I offer such a woman? How could she love a loser like me? Like me?

Saturday, June 11, 2022

100 Words - Velvet Eyes

 I saw those eyes across the bar. Those velvet eyes. Was there a flicker of recognition in those eyes? I remembered her of course. She was special. But me, I was just one of hundreds, if not thousands. She walked over and sat beside me. “Hello Jack.”

“Hello Ruby,” I replied. She laughed and explained that wasn’t her real name, but did not offer up her real one. I asked how she remembered me. She said it was my goofy smile. I thought she was going to say it was my Minnie Mouse belt buckle, and how it wouldn’t unbuckle.

Sunday, June 5, 2022

100 Words - Coal Train

Once a week George and I would go down to the tracks to watch the coal train go by. George would put a coin on the rail hoping to derail the train. It never worked.

When the train noise faded we would sit there a while and talk about everything. One day he asked if I knew what a blowjob was. I didn’t. He explained it and offered to demonstrate. I declined, but a few days later he got caught showing our neighbor Andy.

Soon George’s family was gone. Mom said they HAD to move away. Wouldn’t tell me why.