Saturday, March 26, 2022

100 Words - Seeds Of Fame

In defiance of my parents I always swallowed the watermelon seeds. My brother assured me that my stomach was going to explode. I thought that would be so cool. Maybe I’d be on the news. Didn’t happen, but my quest for fame was born.

I started keeping a scrap book of newspaper clippings. If you live in a small town a mention in the local papers is inevitable. My favorite thing was cutting out pictures I was almost in and adding an arrow to show where I was outside the frame.

The scrapbook got lost during one of the moves.

Saturday, March 19, 2022

100 Words - Logic Dreams


Logic never lies, but it also never dreams. I would rather be hanging on for dear life on some great adventure at the behest of some magnificent liar, then be sitting on a couch discussing truth tables with some uptight nothing. At least in my dreams that is.

In reality I’m more the truth table kind of guy. That’s a logician thing. A week into my first formal logic class I was sure that I was going to solve the world’s problems. Turns out that problems, and their human participants, are not logical. Emotions Spock was wrong. I was wrong.

Monday, March 14, 2022

Meeting Yourself

Gus and his past do not bode well for his future.

Saturday, March 12, 2022

100 Words - Demon Court


Detective Schatten was under oath. She had to answer the question. “No, I don’t believe in the devil. He’s just an imaginary scapegoat for the evil that people do.” A few of the jury laughed, but stopped when the accused’s eyes started glowing red.

Then things got weird. The judge stood up and pulled out a small stick. He screamed something in Latin and waved the wand at the defendant. Nothing happened.

The bad guy rose and screamed. One of the bailiffs hit him on the head and his eyes went back to normal. Got five years in federal prison.

Saturday, March 5, 2022

100 Words - Love And Waffles

Paul met his soulmate at a Waffle House in Dothan at 3AM. She was drunk, alone and stranded, having been blacklisted by Uber. She offered to pay for Paul’s chicken-fried steak in exchange for a ride home.  He accepted.

Of course the spirit of his mother was screaming at him for taking such a chance with his life. He was sure though that he could take Suzy in a fight, so he drove her home.

She puked in his car. The passenger window doesn’t roll down. It caught the brunt of the expulsion.

She made it up to him later.