Saturday, April 24, 2021

100 Words – Debris Animals

Among the random debris along the Edison Highway I saw a dead rooster on top a pile of computer equipment. I stopped and stared till a police car pulled up and the officer asked me what I was doing. I pointed out the rooster. He said, “Again?” and sped off.

I searched the local news for clues as to the cop’s response. No mentions of roosters on trash heaps were found. However, there were many mentions of other animals being dumped there. Mostly dogs, lots of rodents and one unbranded calf. The word unbranded was in bold. That’s important apparently.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

100 Words – Irish Goodbye

Smiley was the master of the Irish goodbye. When the crowds overwhelmed him he would hit the bathroom, then just walk out the door. Then he met Martha, the master of overstaying her welcome. Between them they make an almost normal couple.

Evenings start off well. They both enjoy parties and nights out. On arrival they make the first round as a couple. Then they split and wander at their own pace. Eventually Martha realizes that all the other guests are gone and the hosts are laying major hints of departure.

Then she goes to the car and wakes Smiley.

Saturday, April 3, 2021

100 Words – Bad Poet

I failed college English because I wrote a paper on why the professor’s girlfriend was the worst poet to ever put pen to paper. In my defense, I did not know that she was his girlfriend when I wrote the paper. Though, why else would he have us study her?

My conclusion at the end of the semester was that poetry was a scam full of self-important assholes who had nothing to say that related to my life. Years later, at another college, I learned that poetry wasn’t the problem. That professor and his bad poetry friends were the problem.