Monday, March 29, 2021
Dr. Socket - Wrath
Saturday, March 27, 2021
100 Words – Hate
Hate is one of my favorite emotions, but most people abuse the word. They say, I hate this or I hate that, but what they really mean is, that annoys me. These people will never know the splendor of a truly glorious hate. These people annoy me.
At one point I decided that these people should be killed, but that wanders into the hate zone, which means I would become one of those people. That kind of loop can lead to no good. So I’ve decided to openly ridicule them instead. I hope none of them decide to shoot me.
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Tom Week – Get That Vaccination
3/18/21 – Vaccination Day
Pat’s second shot and Tonya’s first. At two different CVSs.
It was in the high 70’s today. It should stay there, but it won’t. It going to cool off tomorrow, but just down to the 60’s.
Oh yeah. I hate Microsoft. I’ve been trying to upgrade for several days now with no luck. Linux is looking better every day.
3/19/21 – Kids Aplenty
There are many kids here now, running around and screaming, as kids should.
Had a good bike ride today. I went noticeably farther than my last ride, but I’m much less worn out. Must be the warm weather.
FINALLY got the new upgrade for Microsoft Windows to install. The trick is to not use the Windows “Update Now” page. I used powershell to manage the upgrade and it worked first try.
3/20/21 – No Jury Duty
I got a summons for jury duty in Clay County Florida. This is weird because they won’t let me register to vote there because I don’t actually live there, but they call me for jury duty as if I did. I filled out the excusal request form explaining that I couldn’t get there by April 1. They agreed.
3/21/21 – Under The Funk
Fighting my way through mental molasses today. Not living up to my potential.
3/22/21 – Upside-Down Utah
I went for a bike ride and recorded my path on Strava. It came out the exact shape of Utah, only upside-down.
3/23/21 – Porterville
I finally got to drive through Porterville. This has been a goal of mine for nearly a week.
We are in Visalia for the night. Then off to Greenfield for two. Finally, Gilroy for a week. Then, we don’t know. We have no appointments. We have no commitments. We could go anywhere.
3/24/21 – Back at Yanks
We are in Greenfield California again. Hopefully this will be the last time this year. I’m getting tired of coming back to the same place over and over again.
Saturday, March 20, 2021
100 Words – Graves and Idiots
Shallow grave my ass! The psycho buried her eight feet deep. It took me and Carl four hours to reach her. There she was, all dead and bloody. I put her mother’s pearls around her neck and wished her a bon voyage. Then another three hours filling her back in.
I may have to kill Carl. I’ll miss him. He’s stupid, but a good worker with strong arms. He’s telling everyone in the bar about digging up the grave. Fortunately, nobody believes anything Carl says. Knowing how hard it is to dig a grave, killing him just isn’t worth it.
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
Tom Week – WIND
3/11/21 – The Flags Are Flying
I finally got the energy and concentration together to finish a flags in the wind scene for an animation. It took a long time to learn how to do the flag flapping in the breeze. Then, when all the flags were in place I tried to render a test animation and the program crashed big.
I spent the next couple hours trying to degrade the output enough to make it through the render process. Finally, I came across the “animation cache.” This solved all my problems and was able to render the animation in full resolution and detail. The stuff you learn.
Then I got out for a bike ride. Only 4.7 miles, but I’m still lacking some strength.
Then I took a nap.
3/12/21 – Package Follies
Once again the delivery of Pat’s meds have been messed up. This time they couldn’t be delivered because the address was incorrect. Only, the address is correct. We got packages here a few days ago. Tomorrow we get to go down the hill to Palm Springs and pick up the package at the FedEx place. Such fun.
3/13/21 – Wind and Medications
We successfully obtained Pat’s meds from FedEx. It would be nice to go through one month without the drama.
Oh yeah. It’s windy here again. Big surprise.
3/14/21 – I Picked This Place
It’s my fault. Before we got here, Desert Hot Springs was the warmest place in California. My plan was to sit in the sun, ride my bike, the who warm weather thing. So, while we are actually the warmest place in California, it’s still too cold to do any of that stuff.
And the news people say tomorrow will be even windier.
3/15/21 – The Ides Of March
I was wrong. It was not windy here before. TODAY, it is windy here! 30 mph steady with 50 mph gusts. The RV is rocking! Fortunately the Charlie’s Angels obsessed weather lady says the bad wind will be gone tomorrow.
I’m tired of thinking about wind all the time.
3/16/21 – NO WIND
We are in Bakersfield. It is slightly warmer but with zero wind it feels much warmer. Soon I will stop talking about wind.
3/17/21 – Happy St. Patrick’s Day
Yes, we had corned beef. It was yummy. Pat figured out how to cook it in an air friar.
Pat Completes Her Quest I Suck At Selfies
Monday, March 15, 2021
Dr. Socket - Greed
Lana shares her views on economics and her personal efforts at wealth redistribution. Dr. Socket disapproves.
Saturday, March 13, 2021
100 Words – Disturb
Clyde hung out the Do Not Disturb sign, pulled the chain and sat on the bed. He pulled out his phone and searched, “worst bar near me.” He scrolled through a few reviews then he found it. A complaint about a bar that had too many drunk college students. Success!
Clyde was the oldest person in the bar by a significant margin, but nobody seemed to care. That bothered him. Not that he wanted any extra attention, but he should get the right amount. Something was not right, so he left. As he did, the first sirens could be heard.
Saturday, March 6, 2021
100 Words – Mangy Dog Love
Clyde spent his childhood wanting a dog. His parents were open to the idea. The problem was that all dogs hated Clyde. It wasn’t until he was 40 that he met a dog that liked him. A mangy golden retriever named Satan, found in a car he stole.
The car brought in enough cash to pay for the dog’s food for a year. It wasn’t a cuddly, tail-wagging kind of dog, but from the first day it stayed at Clyde’s side. It’s jaws proved a useful tool in a tight spot. Now Clyde’s pockets are forever full of baby carrots.
Monday, March 1, 2021
Gus Speaks
Gus talks about the trauma of parental pranking. This is my first attempt at making a character speak. All feedback is welcome.