Thursday, December 31, 2020
Meet Gus
Monday, December 28, 2020
Saturday, December 26, 2020
100 words – Toxic

I tried to work with him but his toxic personality prevented any form of cooperation. He committed every business sin...
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Saturday, December 19, 2020
100 Words – Sand Storms

The nomads gathered at the oasis to wait out the sand storms. A few knew each other from past seasons...
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Monday, December 14, 2020
Hey Bob - Mount Doom
Saturday, December 12, 2020
100 Words – Cats In The Corn

The dusty sunset is full of cat screams. They are angry and elusive. We can hear them, but can’t find...
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Thursday, December 10, 2020
Clayman and The Box
Saturday, December 5, 2020
100 Words – Watermelon

Last night I had a dream that I was planting a flower bed, but nothing would grow except watermelons. Whatever...
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Monday, November 30, 2020
Saturday, November 28, 2020
100 Words – Road Trip

The road trip took ten hours, not six. My friend talked the whole time about the difference between satori and...
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Monday, November 23, 2020
Clyde Hates ...
Saturday, November 21, 2020
100 Words – Stoic

The funniest man I ever met was an unrelenting stoic. He never laughed. He never smiled. He never pet the...
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Monday, November 16, 2020
Hey Bob - Bunnies
Saturday, November 14, 2020
100 Words – Apology

The police officer sympathized when I explained that I was deipnophobic, the fear of eating in public, and had to...
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Monday, November 9, 2020
Hey Bob - The Raise
Saturday, November 7, 2020
100 Words – Bible Season

Back at college in Iowa I always looked forward to bible season. Every fall the doom patrol would take to...
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Saturday, October 31, 2020
100 Words – Whose Books?

Smiley has a large bookcase of borrowed books. They were placed in chronological order of when he obtained them. He...
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Thursday, October 29, 2020
Dr. Socket Election Special
Saturday, October 24, 2020
100 Words – Cottonwood

I walked twice to the left around the cottonwood tree. I felt like a fool, but what did I have...
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Saturday, October 17, 2020
100 Words – Industrial Archaeology

Some call it junk-picking. I call it an Industrial Archaeology. Someone needs to document for future generations the bizarre habits...
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Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Hey Boy - Hungry Junction
Monday, October 5, 2020
Saturday, October 3, 2020
100 Words – Empath
Linda’s childhood was horrific. Everyone, everywhere, screamed their emotions at her. She didn’t know what was happening to her and...
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Monday, September 28, 2020
Dr. Socket - Urinal Cakes
Dr. Socket and his extreme violence therapy group have an in-depth political discussion.
Saturday, September 26, 2020
100 Words – Artists Revolt
On the day that the artists revolted I sat on the front porch to witness the craziness. Decades of being...
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Thursday, September 24, 2020
Saturday, September 19, 2020
100 Words – Sword
She sat silently in the dark, admitting defeat and plotting her revenge. She vowed that his cult of charisma would fall. Reason would prevail. She didn’t actually believe that either, so she went to the attic and dug out her father’s Knights of Columbus sword.
Ten steps out of the house, sword in hand, she realized that her plan was lacking in details. First, what will happen if she’s spotted by the police? Then the cop pulled up.
“Mayor Karl?” He asked.
“Yes!” She answered.
“He’s cornered at the YMCA. Ride?”
She climbed in with three other heavily armed women.

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Saturday, September 12, 2020
100 Words – The Family Orphan

Smiley always thought of himself as an orphan. He had parents, and many brothers and sisters, but he never felt connected to them. He was dark and weird. No good at sports. No good at school.
The first thing he was good at was wandering around town and talking to the old drunks. In them he found the world-weary wisdom he needed to grow and evolve. Lessons in pain and longing that he realized already lived inside him the moment he heard them. Past life leftovers maybe.
Now he lives a happy life of little purpose. Content in his stasis.

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Saturday, September 5, 2020
100 Words – Trash Heap Angel
She was the angel of the trash heap. Fallen and halo-less. Trying to work her way back into heaven by separating the souls from the dumped dog carcasses and showing them which way to go. Their wagging tails her only reward.
She was once beautiful and beloved. Over the centuries ego and vanity crept in. One day she tired of subservience and climbed on the shoulders of her co-angels. Standing over them she saw the infinity of creation. Her mind snapped. She came back to consciousness in the land fill. Spending the rest of eternity as a canine crossing guard.

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Saturday, August 29, 2020
100 Words – Desire
Pray for me, object of my deepest desire. Lift me from my dungeon. Be the light at the end of my tunnel. Sing me lurid lullabies. Do things to me in the dark. Feed me Ring Dings. Bathe me in your gaze. Wash my pillow cases in the kitchen sink. Etc.
Why do you not respond? Where is the fire between us? Who was that man? Where are they taking me?
Woe is me, for I will never taste your lovely lips. I will die, having never experienced the bliss of loving you. At least, that’s what the judge says.

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Saturday, August 15, 2020
100 Words – No Novel
Raul spent his life under the illusion that he would one day write a novel. Toward this endeavor he exerted no effort. He had no typewriter, tape recorder or even a working pen. He had a laptop but never realized that even Notepad can be used for writing.
Yet he dreamed of writing the great American novel. He knew nothing of plots, scenes, character development, or sentence structure. Despite all that, he was sure one drunken weekend he would somehow puke out a great work of fiction.
Some dreams are destined to remain dreams. Some folks are just hopeless posers.

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Saturday, August 8, 2020
100 Words – The Box
Among the rubble of the demolished building was a safe. Inside the safe was a large sealed box. I don’t mean locked, or chained or anything weak like that. I mean sealed. Welded all the way around. No one could get in, and as some suggested, nothing could get out.
The demolition workers were not impressed. “Just another time capsule.” Though none could explain the welds. Curiosity got the best of them and they cut it open. It was empty, except for the smell of bitter perfume. The workers had weird dreams that night. They all quit the next day.
#100words #box #bitterperfume

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Saturday, August 1, 2020
100 Words – Potvalor
She fed him sausages and homemade beer. Both were strong. Soon they were both full and drunk. Potvalor, her mother used to call it. The courage of the drunk.
They pounced on each other, just as she had planned. Their comfort with each other finally overcome by the passion they both secretly held. As they rolled on the couch, random bits of clothing became dislodged. She was in heaven.
Then they both got the beer farts. They tried their best to carry on, but the embarrassment and the smell destroyed the mood. They fell asleep giggling in each other’s arms.

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Saturday, July 25, 2020
100 Words – Water Baby

She was born a water baby. Even at just a crawl she sought out water. Puddles, then streams, rivers, lakes and finally the ocean. Her heart nearly broke from excitement at her first sight of waves. She sat down among them, knowing she had found home and peace.
After that she never lived far from an ocean. She couldn’t always see it but she knew it was there. She could taste it on the breeze.
When it was her time she went to it. Waved goodbye to life and walked in. The waves accepted her and fed her to forever.

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Saturday, July 18, 2020
100 Words – Farmers Lonely

She dreams of a small farm with horses, baby goats and exotic birds. He dreams of driving a pickup truck and welding tractor parts. They would be a match made in heaven if they didn’t hate each other.
They met on a rural dating website. They were surprised that they had several mutual friends who all blessed their meeting. Both felt the pressure to make it work.
It started well. The difficult topics of politics and religion were breached without any roadblocks. Both wanted children. Then they hit the wall. She liked the Mud Hens. He was a RubberDucks fan.

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Saturday, July 11, 2020
100 Words – Bucket Drip

Drip. A drop in the bucket. Drip, drip, drip. More drops in the bucket. Another pint and she’ll be empty, but the bucket is only half full. I’ll need another “her.”
For all the wrong reasons, it has to be a her. I have no excuses, no apologies, no manifesto. I just do these things because they appear in my head.
There are no voices, only thoughts. Thoughts lead to actions. Actions lead to these horrors I commit. I wish someone would stop me, but they are all stupid.
Maybe I need to leave better clues. Like the Batman villains.
#100words #bucket #drip

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Saturday, July 4, 2020
100 Words – Bad Dream Catcher

As a means to revenge on her cheating asshole of a boyfriend she sliced his dream catcher in two. His cursed dream catcher. The curse was just one of the many secrets he kept.
She spent days in a waking nightmare of evil. No monsters or demons, just people. Real people doing things to each other beyond horror. Visions of torture, physical and mental, filled her mind. Then the visions would fade to a black space surrounding his face, twisted in pain.
The horrors were so terrifying that she almost forgave him. Almost. A doomed asshole is still an asshole.
#100words #baddreamcatcher

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Sunday, June 28, 2020
100 Words – Trophy

The huge trophy appeared to be of polished silver, when viewed from 30 feet. The closer you got, the more plastic it became. With every step the glean turned green. The name carved into the base became shaky and amateurish.
But it was my trophy. I earned it. A season of hard work. I took the third step on the podium full of pride and the cute clerk from the front desk handed it to me.
I put it with pride in my living room on a pile of books, which was the closest thing I had to a mantle.

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Saturday, June 20, 2020
100 Words – Transfer Station

The woman with the clipboard met me at the transfer station gate. My little pickup truck was out of place among the giant garbage trucks. My paranoia screamed. I kept checking the mirrors for angry relatives. None appeared.
My load was just one tarnished old statute of civil war era family embarrassment. I was nominated to remove it and drive it three towns away because I’m the only one with a truck, and I wasn’t a racist asshole. Lucky me. I may sell the truck.
The woman shrugged her shoulders. I paid the dump fee and she waved me in.

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