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Saturday, December 29, 2018
100 Words – Mistletoe
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
Writing Excuses
What do you do when you run out of excuses?
I want to be a writer but...
There are so many reasons not to write. Time, money, distractions and hundreds of other minor procrastinations keep us from doing what we want to do. Or do we? I'm talking about me here. I don't know about you. These reasons not to write are not right. Nothing but myself is stopping me. Oh yes, there will be sacrifices. There will be problems and conflicts and all that shit. If I want to write, then I should write and accept the consequences. For me though, I need a plan. I need to know there will be an outcome. Doesn't matter if that outcome is good or bad, but there must be a goal. Here I get into a sticky bit. I'm learning that I should never talk about my work in progress (WIP), because it is always changing and people think I lied to them when I told them about three revisions ago. So no details. However, thinking this all through has given me a plan, not only for this project, but for the next few as well. This is good. Now I just have to internally justify spending more time on writing. In the last month I've gone from half an hour to a full hour. Now it's time to add another half hour, but what do i give up? I do many things during the day that I don't "need" to do, but enjoy. Maybe I could do what I do but cut out five minutes here and there. That sounds so easy and logical. Of course I don't believe any of it. To my detriment, I'm a list maker. If I'm going to add to my writing time, piecemeal just won't do.The post Writing Excuses appeared first on Tom Flanders World.
Saturday, December 22, 2018
100 Words – Solitary
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Saturday, December 15, 2018
100 Words – Promise
The post 100 Words – Promise appeared first on Tom Flanders World.
Saturday, December 8, 2018
100 Words – Drive By Flirting
The post 100 Words – Drive By Flirting appeared first on Tom Flanders World.
Thursday, December 6, 2018
Tom Week – Rex in Peace
The post Tom Week – Rex in Peace appeared first on Tom Flanders World.
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
Are You A Real Writer?
Am I a real writer?
Of course I am. Are you a real writer? That depends. Have you written anything? That is the question. Have you written anything? For me the anything in that question means anything. Any written thing. If you've written a single string of words intended to evoke a response, you are a writer. Seems simple enough but not everyone shares my view. A recent on-line conversation showed me that some people try to invoke a stricter meaning on the title of writer. By some accounts I am not a writer because I've never been published by a "real" publisher. A bit of background; I self-published a novel and a book of short stories. I wrote two short stories that were published in on-line journals. I participate in a couple daily prompts on Twitter. I have over 500 followers. To some people all that does not a writer make. I disagree. Being published has little to do with being a writer. That's something that happens when the writing is done. The process of writing is not dependent on the existence of the reader. While most writers do want to build and engage with an audience. It is not a requirement. So why do some writers push for these boundaries? The most obvious reason is status. By saying you're not a writer unless your published, that restricts the world of writers to a much smaller, more select group. Therefor being a member of the group makes you more important than those excluded from the group. That's a greedy and weak point of view. Many of my favorite writers have never been "published." People who can make me afraid, aroused or amused with just a sentence or two. They aren't just writers, they are great writers. So if anyone ever tells you aren't a "real" writer, tell them that I said your were. Or better, tell them to masticate excrement and expire.The post Are You A Real Writer? appeared first on Tom Flanders World.
Saturday, December 1, 2018
100 Words – Bike Drunk
The post 100 Words – Bike Drunk appeared first on Tom Flanders World.
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
The Characters of Hate
Hating hate
I hate hate. Even when it manifests as righteous indignation, I feel sullied by hate. It takes way too much time and energy. The writers who are reading this probably already see the problem. What is fiction without hate? I must also state that I'm not talking about evil. Evil is not always hate or even hated. Evil is a force or state of mind that does harm to others, whether intentional or incidental. Evil often causes hate, but the two are not mutually dependent. So how do I give my characters hate when I find it so abhorrent? Yes, I could create a world without hate but most people would find that hard to accept. Or do I create a character who hates, but learns not to. Sound rather heavy-handed to me. Maybe I just need to accept that hate exists. It's what people expect. It's like real life.The Plan
I've started writing to a new Twitter prompt for ten word stories. I'm writing these from a bad guy's point of view. A couple were pretty good. A couple were pretty wimpy for a bad guy. But, I'm having fun with it.The post The Characters of Hate appeared first on Tom Flanders World.
Saturday, November 24, 2018
100 Words – Bots
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Saturday, November 17, 2018
100 Words – Bottles
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Saturday, November 10, 2018
100 Words – highway of light
The post 100 Words – highway of light appeared first on Tom Flanders World.
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Are all writers mentally ill?
Yes, but first we need to define our terms. Perhaps mentally ill is a poor expression. Mentally abnormal seems more correct, though that seems to have even more negative connotations. Though in my nomenclature abnormal could be anything other than average. Therefore genius would be considered an abnormality.
I toyed with the idea of using the phrase mental nonconformity but that sounds like a choice so it’s not appropriate. Mental abnormality it is.
I should mention here that, if they were asked, nearly every writer I know would give you a laundry list of their abnormalities. My own would include; social anxiety, depression, over-thinking, insomnia, self-doubt and poor self-image.
So are there sane writers? No, but using my criteria, it would be hard to find any human who doesn’t have mental abnormalities. It’s just that writers are mentally abnormal out loud. Their problems are documented on an ongoing basis. Then they actively try to have other people participate in their anxieties.
This is the problem when you over-think everything. You talk yourself in circles till all semblance of an answer is rendered useless. So I’ll just say this; You have to be crazy to be a writer.

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Saturday, November 3, 2018
100 Words – Lips
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Saturday, October 27, 2018
100 Words – Reminds
The post 100 Words – Reminds appeared first on Tom Flanders World.
Saturday, October 13, 2018
100 Words – Martyrs
The post 100 Words – Martyrs appeared first on Tom Flanders World.
Saturday, September 29, 2018
100 Words – Wish Upon a Train
The post 100 Words – Wish Upon a Train appeared first on Tom Flanders World.
Sunday, September 23, 2018
RVing – Tumble Along
Rewired Pat's scooter today. I found several loose wires. It charges and rides much better now.9/18/18
Seventeen mile bike ride this morning. Outside a bar called Zombiez I saw two goth girls sitting in rocking chairs. I waved. They didn't wave back. Swimming this afternoon. Tonya floated for nearly an hour in the heated indoor pool. Pat found the hole in her air mattress.9/19/18
We stopped for lunch in Shamrock Texas where nearly every restaurant is closed. We settled for McDonalds. We're in Oklahoma! The welcome center was open and I collected a PILE of flyers and pamphlets. First stop Elk City. Weird experience at the local WalMart. I bought two bottles of Mexican orange soda and the check-out clerk commented, "Funny, I didn't peg you for Mexican." In the flat-lands sunsets take forever.9/20/18
Hot, humid and windy. It was nap day to be sure. Who knew Oklahoma was so windy? Someone should write a musical or something about this. Tonight though the wind has turned cool and smells of rain. There is lightning on the horizon. Tumble weeds in the yard.9/21/18
Long drive in heavy rain. We're now sitting in Yukon OK, just outside Oklahoma City. Renting a car tomorrow. Another city to explore. Abbie does not like toads. I think she thought it was a rock, till it jumped. Now she has to sniff every rock she sees.9/22/18
Shopping day. Lunch at Jimmy's Egg, the place to eat in Yukon OK.9/23/18
Laundry day! I did a bunch of research and found the best-rated laundromat in Yukon OK. Unfortunately, so did everyone else. So we moved on to one which had no reviews on-line but was located near an intersection that I remembered. A fine place. Many broken machines, water damaged floors and walls and even a bullet hole in one of the windows. Fortunately a young man there pointed out which machines worked best. I love people.Pictures
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Saturday, September 22, 2018
100 Words – Alley
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Tuesday, September 18, 2018
Tom Week – The Steep Part
The Steep Part
I dropped off the rental truck today and rode my bike back to the RV park. Most places this would be no big deal, but in Albuquerque that's a 9.5 mile ride with an 820 foot climb in 90 degree heat. Probably the toughest ride I've done so far. Definitely the toughest I'll be doing for some time.School
Finally got some serious work done on my current school project. Taking a nap helped immensely.Not School
Didn't get around to schoolwork today. I need to form one of them habit things.School
I reorganized my approach to the project and things are going much smoother now. Lots of work done today.Riding
Short bike ride today. New Mexico love its hills. Someday soon we're going to stay at a park at the bottom of a hill.Sunday
We're in freakin Texas! I need to go to a roadhouse.Monday
Texas has big news people. I love it! Finally a flat town. Bike riding is much easier when there are no hills. Got a tom of stuff done for schoolwork today.The post Tom Week – The Steep Part appeared first on Tom Flanders World.
Saturday, September 15, 2018
100 Words – Fingers Dance
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Saturday, September 8, 2018
100 Words – Star Trek
The post 100 Words – Star Trek appeared first on Tom Flanders World.
Sunday, September 2, 2018
RVing – a week in Williams
Williams AZ: We are making this all up as we go along. So we are learning things every day. Had I researched this park more I wouldn't have picked it. It is on the side of a big hill, has loose gravel roads, is at a high elevation and has a steep walk to the bathroom. But all that aside, it's a cool park.8/28/18
We went to Flagstaff for supplies today. We were surprised to find a Sprouts, so Pat now has a stash of her favorite cookies. We need to get better at planning our supplies.8/29/18
A wonderful sitting-around day.8/30/18
Adventure day. We went downtown and I set up Pat's scooter. We took the dogs and walked around Williams. Ate at an outside restaurant that was OK with the dogs. The waiter even brought little bowls of water for them. The best part was when the bikers arrived and they turned out to be French tourists. I love when my expectations are so wrong.8/31/18
When in Williams Arizona eat at Rod's Steak House. The food was amazing and the prices were good. We moved parks and we're right next to a truck stop. I know this should bother me but I love it. The funniest thing about this town is that many tourists are taking pictures of our yellow Winnebago.9/1/18
Not quite a month in the RV any we are already having to rearrange some of the storage areas.9/2/18
Today we took Abigail out to the picnic table and cut her hair. She's not all that pretty, but she'll certainly be cooler.Pictures
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Saturday, September 1, 2018
100 Words – Bear
The post 100 Words – Bear appeared first on Tom Flanders World.
Thursday, August 30, 2018
Writing – cathedral raisins
Where lies the cathedral of the soul? I have chocolate-covered raisins.
I want to create a world where both those sentences have equal weight. A world where raisins and the soul have the same importance. So far I am failing wonderfully. As I may have said before, I enjoy writing. Not just the accomplishment, but the process as well. In the past I've accepted compromises in my stories in an attempt to finish them. Not this time. This one is going to be perfect. Of course by that I mean perfection to my vision. Each piece is getting better, but they all have a long way to go. The characters are fuzzy, the plot is forking and dead-ending and even the scenery changes from rewrite to rewrite. It's like putting together a puzzle where the pieces keep changing. And I love it. I will conquer this world of my own creation. When I do I will wring a story out of it. The hungry freaks will weep.The post Writing – cathedral raisins appeared first on Tom Flanders World.
Saturday, August 25, 2018
100 Words – Highway
The post 100 Words – Highway appeared first on Tom Flanders World.
Friday, August 24, 2018
Who do you want to be today?
Who do you want to be today?
For me, what do I want to write today. Lately I've been writing a lot of flash fiction, which I love, but it does not fulfill all my writing desires. So what else do I want to write? The problem is that I don't usually get to write what I want to write. I have great literary aspirations, but my inner critics/helpers tend to undermine my goals. It's hard to expound on a woman's elegant beauty when my inner manly man is yelling, "Show us her tits!" But which side is the real me. Sometimes I think I'm "supposed" to write a serious novel, but I'm not a serious person. Can there be depth without seriousness? Is verbal slapstick an art form? Do I overthink everything? I have a novel in the planning stages. It's based on my fear of being in control of my own destiny, which manifests as dreams about preparing for journeys that are infinitely delayed. The conflict is that in real life my journeys happen, rarely with any delays. Then there is the twist, which is that I see this book as an homage to my favorite class of movies, the campy horror story. Sort of Vincent Price in Our Town if it was written by Kafka as told by Brother Theodore. Easy to describe, but to execute? I told you I think too much.The post Who do you want to be today? appeared first on Tom Flanders World.
Saturday, August 18, 2018
100 Words – Papers
The post 100 Words – Papers appeared first on Tom Flanders World.
Thursday, August 16, 2018
Writing – Comfortably Weird
I'm not weird on purpose, only I am.
I blame it on my brothers. They are 2 and 3 years older than I am. I could never compete with them so I wound up finding things that didn't interest them. Things that could be mine. Things I could be best at. That was the beginning of the weird. The trend was cemented by the record stores. I had little money so I scoured the cut-out bins. There I found many things never played on the radio. Odd voices praying to the night. Then there was PBS. Late night on PBS in Boston was a parade of oddness. Foreign films, British comedies, video art. My sensibilities were altered. Then I found the authors that my teachers never told me about. People who knew a world they never fully understood. Passions and paranoia unbounded. I wanted to be one of them. Now it's my turn to create. I wrote short stories to learn how to write. I wrote a novel so that I could say I wrote a novel. I write flash fiction to still the voices. Now there is the new novel. I am writing this one for me. My goal is to write a book that I would want to read again. It will not be a best-seller. It will be good though, just kind of weird.The post Writing – Comfortably Weird appeared first on Tom Flanders World.
Monday, August 13, 2018
RVing – Moss Landing to Prunedale
8/6/18 Today we drove to Moss Landing. Going down the highway the windshield was hit by what we thought was a rock. It made a huge bang and it looked like it made a big crack. Fortunately we later found that it was just a bug. I mostly love the Moss Landing rv park. The only problem is the horrible WIFI. Just stuff you have to deal with. At least until tomorrow when we go pick up our own hot spot. We were going to do that today but Gilroy was way too hot to stop. 8/7/18 Consumer errand day. Best Buy, Smash Burger, Rancho Laundramat, WalMart. We are finding more restrictions to travel than expected. The fires and heatwave are limiting us and every other RVer to a narrow strip of coast. We're all fighting for space. We're set through Monday but after that, we'll see. 8/8/18 We've made it all the way to Prunedale. A whole seven miles from Moss Landing. We're kind of hanging around till the heat wave eases. Supposed to happen late next week. I love no having to be anywhere. 8/9/18 Time to update the GPS maps. Today it led us to a Black Bear Dinner that had closed some time ago. Fortunately Pat found its new location on Google. It was just one exit further up 101. Upon arrival we were greeted and hugged by a person in a bear outfit. Perfect. 8/10/18 The first of several still days. It's nice to not have to unhook and rehook the RV. 8/11/18 Errand Day. Shopping at WalMart. Donations to Goodwill. Washing the RV. So much fun. 8/12/18 Great day hanging out. Tomorrow we're going to Hollister. A whole 20 miles away.PICTURES:
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Saturday, August 11, 2018
100 Words – Bacon
The post 100 Words – Bacon appeared first on Tom Flanders World.
Sunday, August 5, 2018
RVing – Here We Go
Chester and I moved the first load to the RV today. It was a bit of an adventure. The storage yard gate wouldn't accept my code. We made several phone calls and pleaded our case to the answering machines to no avail. I was even contemplating trying to climb over or under the fence. Fortunately we weren't the only visitors to the yard and a sympathetic fellow RV'er let us in.
Our first full-time night in the RV. We are exhausted, in pain and emotionally wrung-out. I've never been happier.
So tired. Handing over the keys to the house tomorrow.
Lunch at JJ's. Get the bacon dog. Yum. Though Pat's chicken sandwich was a hamburger. The manager offered Pat a free shake in compensation, but Pat's allergic to milk. However she was able to get the website where the woman at the other table bought her hat.
Dinner at the Star. Thousands of fake pink flowers hanging from the ceiling. Seat yourself. Under-staffed. Great food.
Just after dark our neighbor starts yelling to me. I can't understand him so I go outside where he explains that there is a skunk under our RV. A cute little thing. I came back inside in hopes he'd wander away. Apparently he did.
Said goodbye today to the car and Chester. The Car was easy. Chester was hard. Tomorrow we head out.
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Saturday, August 4, 2018
100 Words – Deviant
"I am a deviant." said the man who committed no crime. The judges stared down at him with pity, but there is no room for pity in the law. They whispered to each other and passed notes up and down the line. The man in the witness box looked to his lawyer for some sense of what was going to happen next. The lawyer knew but closed his eyes so as not to tell.
Finally the judges arrived at their verdict. "Not guilty." said the bailiff. Before the man could protest he was grabbed and dragged from the court room.
The post 100 Words – Deviant appeared first on Tom Flanders World.
Saturday, July 28, 2018
100 Words – Masks
The post 100 Words – Masks appeared first on Tom Flanders World.
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
Writing – Hate Writers
The post Writing – Hate Writers appeared first on Tom Flanders World.
Saturday, July 21, 2018
100 Words – Prompt
The post 100 Words – Prompt appeared first on Tom Flanders World.