Sunday, February 24, 2013

250 Words - Saliva's

Rapid fire guitars split the dark. Explosions and smoke got us to our feet. The stage lights rose and the band appeared. We all cheered and stomped our feet. The music began and it all went wrong. If they had done a sound check someone should be fired. The mix was way off. The lead singers mic didn't work at all and the backup singer's drowned out the instruments.

We gave it one song. The band froze wondering what to do. Nobody from the club made any motion to help. They started on their next tune and it was still all wrong. We rushed the stage, beat them to a pulp then smashed their instruments and amps. The bouncers came running but we outnumbered them and they were soon down and out.

Then Billy screamed something about an open bar. Unfortunately those of us still on stage were too far away and the bottles and even the kegs were all gone before we could beat our way over there. The sirens came and everyone ran for the doors. Billy, Joey and I sat down at a table and watched as the people tried to escape and the cops tried to get in.

In the end it's just us three and about fifty cops left in the club. They asked us questions. We told them what happened, excluding our participation. They told us we could go. Outside the cops had everybody zip-tied. We waved goodbye to another Saturday night at Saliva's.

Friday, February 22, 2013

100 Words - Benny

They say that murder is nothing but extroverted suicide. They also say that cats are nothing but effeminate dogs. Benny has been awake for thirteen days writing truth tables on his walls trying to create formal logical proofs of every possible combination of those sayings. Unfortunately his hatred of cats clouds his reasoning. So-called emotional language, which is invalid to logicians, keeps appearing in his premises. He knows it's wrong but can't help himself. He looks the other way and fudges the conclusions. Down by the radiator that doesn't work the equations balance telling him to kill all the cats.

Monday, February 11, 2013

100 Words - The Van

The man in the black spandex pants said he wanted to sell me some pretty pictures. Something about an art dealer whose gallery was in a windowless van didn't seem right to me, but I needed something to perk up my apartment's plain white walls, so I climbed on in.

Inside the walls were covered with paintings and photographs. From the ceiling hung a variety of kinetic sculptures that swayed and clanged with every corner the van took. The photograph of the city at night was too expensive so I bought a little painting of a jellyfish swallowing a tricycle.

Friday, February 8, 2013

100 Words - Hack

I never liked that cat. He was too clawing. Ha Ha. Bet you never expected me to open with that bad a joke. What can I say? No really, what can I say? My head is blank. (Sound effect of rimshot.) Take my strife...please! Sometimes I get like this, only able to communicate in variations of bad old jokes. Maybe I'm channeling Benny Hill. Maybe I asked too many people how many cars he owned. The answer is zero. Maybe I'm just a hack at heart. Sounds like a Valentine's day axe murderer. Tip your waitress. I'm here all week.

Monday, February 4, 2013

100 Words - CX

The clouds were puking rainbows. The wind made promises it could not keep. The trail boiled muddy tearing at my heels, tearing at my wheels. Younger men and women flew past mocking my torment, spraying me with the residue of their strength, the by-product of their glory. Cold old bones twisted in their sockets trying to escape the torture I'd bequeathed them. Ligaments stretched, lost their grip and shouted for mercy. I could go no further. I veered off the path and fell into a growth of ferns. A soft bed on to which I laid my head and slept.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

I'm suffering from literary ADD.

Lately I only seem to function in single sentences, or at best, single paragraphs. The quick fix of flash fiction and social status updates. They leave me jonesing for more depth and structure but I fail to convert that desire into action. The brain slugs are winning.