Oh, the stories! The action, adventure, romance and finally the overwhelmed underdog triumphing over impossible foes. What more could you want? But there is a problem. I dislike fantasy. Always have, probably always will.
So then, what part of Mr. Potter's tales worm their way through my defenses of preference?
First, there are the characters. The complex relationships that develop between the friends over the series give new interest to every book. The emergence of minor characters, my favorite being Neville, to major players is something I've not seen in other series of books.
Second, and probably most importantly, a great villain. Just as Darth Vader is my favorite Star Wars character, the Harry Potter books would be nothing without the wonderfully evil Voldemort. And the fact that he is done in finally by his human flaws and fears is a wonderful capper on the series.
What I'm waiting to see for Ms. Rowling is; is there life after Harry Potter? I hope so, though as a writer, I can't imagine starting all over after investing so much time and energy into creating such a rich and wonderful world.